Influence of ASMI on the AEX
ASM International is one of the leading technology companies in the AEX, with a weighting of about 4.2% (measured in 2024). The stock plays a significant role in technology representation within the index. ASMI's share price is sensitive to global developments in the semiconductor industry and macroeconomic factors such as demand for electronics and geopolitical tensions.
Investment analysis & outlook
ASM International is viewed by analysts as an attractive investment, thanks to its strong technological edge and strategic positioning in growth markets. The outlook for ASMI remains positive, supported by global demand for chips and growth in sectors such as data centers, electric vehicles, and 5G infrastructure. Potential risks include the high reliance on cyclical demand and geopolitical uncertainties in Asia.
Below you can track ASMI's share price performance compared to the AEX over the past 5 years. This shows that ASMI has shown strong growth performance, with higher volatility typical of technology companies.

News & updates
Recently, ASM International announced it is further expanding its manufacturing capacity in Asia with new facilities in South Korea and Taiwan. In addition, the company is investing heavily in next-generation technologies, including new ALD and epitaxy applications. ASMI remains a leader in innovation and has announced its focus on further increasing its market share in advanced semiconductor manufacturing.
For more information on ASM International's performance and strategic plans, please visit its official website:
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