Publication date: November 7, 2024
- Year of incorporation: 2016 (formed from the merger of Ahold and Delhaize, originally founded in 1887 and 1867)
- Year added to the AEX: 1983 (Ahold)
- Highest price ever: €67.24 in 1998
- Average trading volume:- Approximately 4 million shares per day
- Price performance over the past 12 months: + 11.54%
Introduction about the company
Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize N.V. is a leading international supermarket and retail organization headquartered in Zaandam, the Netherlands. The company offers both physical stores and e-commerce services and operates in more than 10 countries, including the United States and several European countries. It is listed on Euronext Amsterdam under the symbol AD.
Core figures & performance
In 2023, Ahold Delhaize reported sales of €88.6 billion and net income of €1.9 billion. The company has about 400,000 employees and serves more than 54 million customers a week. Its market capitalization is about €24.6 billion. Ahold Delhaize has a dividend policy that focuses on stable distributions to shareholders, which is partly made possible by the consistent growth of its supermarket and online businesses.
History & development
Ahold Delhaize was created in 2016 through the merger of the Dutch Ahold and the Belgian Delhaize. Since then, the company has continued to expand and restructure its operations, with a strong focus on increasing market share in both the United States and Europe. Major acquisitions, such as that of US-based FreshDirect in 2020, have strengthened its digital growth and market position. Currently, 60% of annual sales come from the United States, while Europe accounts for the remaining 40%. In addition, Ahold Delhaize is committed to sustainability and innovation within the retail sector, with initiatives focused on health and environmentally friendly sourcing.
Sector & competition
Ahold Delhaize operates in the international supermarket and e-commerce sector, with competitors such as Walmart, Carrefour, and Amazon. The sector is highly competitive, with technological innovations and changing consumer trends essential to success. Ahold Delhaize stands out for its strong omnichannel strategy and customer focus, as well as its sustainable initiatives, such as reducing food waste and promoting healthy eating.
Influence of Ahold Delhaize on the AEX
As one of the largest listed companies in the Netherlands, Ahold Delhaize has a significant influence on the AEX index, with a weighting of approximately 2.8% (measured on June 28, 2024). Although AEX performance is strongly driven by the technology and energy sectors, Ahold Delhaize's shares can cause significant fluctuations within the index, especially when quarterly results and corporate strategy updates are released. When comparing Ahold Delhaize's weighting to other companies contributing to the overall weighting of the AEX, we can conclude that Ahold Delhaize occupies a middle position.
Investment analysis & outlook
Ahold Delhaize is seen by analysts as a robust investment, thanks to its strong presence in both physical stores and e-commerce and its resilient business model. Its focus on efficiency and innovation offers growth opportunities, although factors such as inflation and increased competition may pose challenges. Its omnichannel strategy and success in the United States and Europe support the company's growth strategy and offer a positive long-term outlook.
Below you can follow Royal Ahold Delhaize's share price performance compared to the AEX over a 5-year period. This clearly shows that Ahold Delhaize consistently moves with the trends of the AEX.
News & updates
Ahold Delhaize recently announced that it will increase its investments in e-commerce and technology to further strengthen its market position. The company has plans to open new warehouses and optimize logistics processes in the United States and Europe. These initiatives are part of Ahold Delhaize's long-term strategy aimed at increasing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. For more details on Royal Ahold Delhaize's financial performance and strategic plans, please visit its official website: Ahold Delhaize.
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